5 Reasons to Become a Morning Person
The sun literally downloads codes into your eyes like your a computer that cleans you up and updates you making your whole body run like a superhero. (link to evidence about this)
You get some time to recharge before the kids or clean up.
You start to become a person who goes to bed earlier and has less blue light. If you haven’t researched this
You can GET READY for the day! Can you imagine getting to calmly do your skin care routine with a podcast playing or your vinyl without the screaming? This is a game changer for your mental health and especially if you are homeschooling or content creating or running a business, this will allow you to put your best foot forward. It’s not about WHAT you wear but how you feel wearing and getting time to be intentional with that each morning will change your day’s and your life’s trajectory.
You will be nicer. All of the above will literally shift your mood whether you like it or not, you will feel bettter and be nicer because of it. Over time this effect compounds. You feel like you get a FULL day when you experience the morning.