the brimworThy podcast - WITH chELSEA buRNBRIGHT
The only personal development & productivity podcast for ambitious kingdom minded mamas (who enjoy a good tinfoil hat chat).
If you’re tired of making jokes about being a “hot mess” and you feel the call to not only build a beautiful thriving family but build a dream that ripples out goodness to others and being a shining example of God in this crazy world, this podcast is for you. We dive deep into everything from wellness and motherhood, to conspiracy theories, to productivity & planning tips, to mindset, to how to build a business that sets your family free. Expect to laugh, learn, and be inspired to stop waiting and start doing.
Episode 3. Three Epic Skills Moms, Conspiracy Theorists, and Entrepreneurs Have in Common
It all begins with an idea.
Episode 5. A Soupy Conversation with Burn Bright Society Member, Tessa Harvey
It all begins with an idea.