You’ve stumbled into my weird little sanctuary on the internet. This is my personal blog where I overshare and connect you to amazing things at the same time AS WELL AS home to my coaching & systems business for fellow multi-passionate millennial mom’s who, like me, don’t fit into any of the normal boxes of the world anymore and are ready to live wide, well and free like we were created to.
I firmly believe that when mom’s like you and I thrive, we have a ripple effect through our families and communities that quite literally breaks the matrix. If you know what that means, you have found a friend in me and many more are waiting for you in the burn biright community.
Ready for some of that oversharing I promised?
I joke around and say I’m too christian for the weirdos and too weirdo for the christians. In truth, I went through a massive awakening 2020 and found Jesus again after years running from Him because of some bad teaching I received as a teenager that didn’t make sense next to the sadness of being a daughter of an alchoholic and alot of trauma (BTW I proudly overshare here) of entrepreneurship and adventure with my husband while battling crippling anxiety and depression and doing it all with “the universe”. I have always been drawn to living the biggest most joy and awe in the both the weird and wonderful in life while everyone else was living in fear, mine lifted.
Here you will find everything from playlists, day in the life journals, beauty and wellness reviews, raw honest essays, entrpeneurship tips, travel, homemaking, recipes, creative projects, motherhood, talks about faith and tin foil hat things, and my favorite geekout areas of planners and digital systems to actually make it possible to do all of these things in life the best you can without burning out.
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